Tuesday, October 30, 2012

And It's Been a While...

Yes my friends, it has been quite a while.  I had Lasik Eye Surgery, and needed to recover, and NOT stare at a computer screen all day.  So I am in the process of updating the blog.  I have some very interesting tales to tell.  I know you will enjoy.  But for now, I leave you with the quote of the day:

Me: Hey Eric, tell Ms. Kim what happened today.

Eric:  I got a Saturday Detention.

Kim:  Eric, what happened???  You were having such a good day!

Eric:  I don't know Ms. Kim.  It just all went awry.

Yes.  Only my child would talk like his in a Shakespeare play .

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm a Little Disappointed

So, I took Jeremy to get his eye brows waxed.  And I was expecting this major production.  I did NOT get one. I was all excited.  I was thinking, "I'm going to get amazing video."  And he didn't even flinch.  Sad. Face.  But I'm posting the video anyway.  (Even though I told him I wouldn't; what kind of surrogate mother would I be if I didn't???)

Saturday, October 13, 2012

That. Just. Happened.

The following just took place:

Justin:  Mom, for some strange reason I've been craving apple juice.

Me:  Are you pregnant?

Justin:  Mom, if you weren't a lady I'd punch you right now.

Me:  Justin, if you weren't a lady I'd punch YOU right now.

Justin:  When dad gets home, I'm totally punching him in the balls and telling him to thank you.

Joey:  I'm gonna go punch Jeremy in the balls RIGHT NOW.

Me: There will be no ball punching!

Justin and Joey:  Awe man!

I love these boys.  It's pretty fun around here. 

Keepin' It Old School

It's been a while since I've posted an update.  We've been pretty busy.  I've also been trying to not spend so much time on the computer and actually "be there" for the kids...LOL. 

I wanted to share a conversation that my friend Kim and I had this morning.  While making a nice breakfast this morning, I get a couple of complaints about what I'm making (Bee Tee Dubs, I made crescent rolls stuff with nutella and apples with cinnamon and sugar; pretty amazing if I do say so myself).  Anyways, we were saying that when we were kids, if we ever talked back, or complained about food, etc., we would have woken up the next day.  I asked her, if she thinks the kids have changed that much?  She brought up a very good point.  It's the PARENTS who have changed.  It's the parenting styles that have changed. 

I happen to agree with this.  Parenting styles have changed, and not for the better.  As for me and my house hold, we are keeping it old school.  And I think that's why my children have lived as long as they have. 

So, I'm starting a parenting campaign.  I'm calling it, "Keepin' It Old School".  Your child complains about dinner?  Let 'em starve.  You're child doesn't want to clean his room?  Take everything out of it.  I think you all see where I'm going with this.  Parents of the world unite!  Let's take back control of the situation.  Don't be afraid to slap a child in the face if they tell you to f*ck off.  IJS.

Apple Nutella Rolls
On the lighter side of life, here is a picture of the DEE LISH breakfast.  They tasted Uh-May-Zing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ask The Boys...

...What happens when you slam a door in my house.  I'm pretty sure they'll tell you that the door comes off the hinges.  And no one will have a door.  Sure, it was only Justin that slammed the door.  But when the other three are the ones starting the argument, everyone loses the privilege of having a door. 

You're welcome boys.  You're. Welcome.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Drama for Your Mama...

ANNNNNNDDDDD.... I'm done. 

If I didn't not believe that selective hearing is something genetically inherited by boys, I do now.  Trying to get ahead of the game in this house, is never going to happen.  I should just resign myself to the fact that I will continue to have the following arguments:

1.  My house will never be clean again.
2.  The boys will not listen when I tell them to go ahead and get ready for the next day by getting clothes laid out, and packing lunches.  Yet, still miraculously ending up taking MORE time in the morning and irritating me more.
3.  I will constantly be interrupted when I am RIGHT in the middle of lecturing another child.  I wish they would just realize that no matter what they say, I am always right.  And no amount of argument will change my mind.  OH!  And you're the kid.  Not the adult.
4.  Bruce and I have pretty much done all there is to do to get in trouble, so please don't try and hide whatever it is that you're getting in trouble for at school.  It won't work.
5.  Yes.  That's what's for dinner.  Eat it or starve. 
6.  Knock. On. My. Door.  Do NOT just walk in.  And NO!  I do NOT have to knock on your door.  This is MY house.

There are so many more, but these are the ones that are CURRENTLY plaguing me.  I just needed to vent. 
Thank you and have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Camo Day!


"Team Amazeballs"
Joey, Eric and I had a blast at school today with Camo Day!  I totally rocked the camo.  Joey also dubbed us Team Amazeballs (you're welcome Kathy and Christian).  And I might add, we are pretty amazeballs.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hijinks at the Fantastic Sams

After Hair Cuts
It was haircut day at our house today.  I really think they dread us all coming in there.  They really cringe...LOL.  Well, everyone looks "fantastic".  And we took a couple of videos whilst waiting on Jeremy, because he had the poor lady go back two times to "fix" something.  At least the boy knows what he wants. 

Anyways!  Enjoy the goofiness!