Friday, December 28, 2012

One of those days...

So I'm having one of those days where I want to stay in bed and do nothing. ( Some of you that know me argue, isn't that you everyday Nina? To you I say SHUT UP!)

Everyone's being pretty good. Minimal blood shed has occurred. So I decided let's add fuel to the fire and get them all hocked up on hot chocolate. It was pretty amazing nut now the kids are wired no them I say... OUTSIDE!

The moral to this story: when you want quiet, get them wired so they'll want to run outside for a good few hours, then have them come in, eat dinner and crash. So not only do you get the few hours they're outside playing, but you also only have to spend a max of an hour with them before they're ready to crash for the night n

You're. Welcome.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Required Shower Time

Did you know that there is a required shower time? Yeah, me neither. The following conversation just took place...

Eric: Joey that's sick. You didn't shower near long enough.

Joey: yes I did!

Eric: no you didn't. That shower was only three minutes long!

Jeremy: our dad is amazing enough that he can shower in a minute and a half and still be clean.

Eric: that's impossible. The required shower time is at least seven minutes. That way the hot water can wash off all the impurities and flu germs. Joey, next time try at least seven.

It's at this point that I'm crying laughing in the other room. Because Eric is LEGIT upset about this. Oh. And Eric has inherited my towel obsession from me. God forbid anyone use his towel.

Constant entertainment I tells ya!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Quote of the Day...

This quote is actually courtesy of Eric from about two weeks ago.  But it's still pretty amazing.  The set up is, Eric got into a wee bit of trouble (said in an Irish accent)and decided to reenact a scene from A Christmas Story at the end were Ralphie tackles the kid to the ground because he's tired of all the teasing. Bee Tee Dubs, Eric's cheeks are WAY cuter than Ralphie's.

Me:  Eric, I thought I told you set the example.

Eric:  Yes, you did.  But you did not specify which example I needed to set, so I chose the bad example.

Me:  Touche.

Needless to say, I now have to "specify" which example he needs to set everyday.  Below you will find the clip in which is referenced.