Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I Wonder...

...If there will ever be a dinner where I will make everyone happy.  I know this isn't possible, but one can hope right?  I make lasagna, from scratch, and all I hear is... I hate lasagna.  I make this cheesy chicken noodle bake thing, from scratch, and all I hear is... Really?! 

For those of you who don't know me, I cook well.  Really well.  I also try my hardest to make things that are natural or from scratch.  But apparently, my children will never appreciate it.  Bruce swears they will once they marry some floozy who can't cook.  But that's not good enough for me.  I want them to appreciate it NOW.  I want instant gratification.

I know.  I'm being a whiny brat and I cannot and will not make everyone happy.  But hey, it's my blog, and I can cry if I want to...


Monday, November 19, 2012

Can We Go Swimming?

Yes.  I got asked that question yesterday. 

Jeremy:  Can we go swimming this week?

Me:  It's November.

Jeremy:  It's pretty warm outside.

Me: No.

Jeremy:  But the sun's out and it's almost 80.

Me:  It gets down to the 40s at night.  The water is cold.  No.

I called Bruce and told him.  He said, take his ass swimming.  Actually, MAKE him go swimming.  He'll learn.  I didn't take him swimming.  I really didn't feel like spending my fall vacation nursing a sick Jeremy.  But the thought made me laugh out loud.  Just thought I'd share.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Family Friday...

And no, it's not togetherness on Friday.  It was at Eric and Joey's school.  They put on these little presentation and they were amazing!  I would post the video I took of Eric doing his Polynesian Dance, but I don't want to post video of other people's children without permission.

But here are pictures of Eric and Joey from today!

Joey Representing Bolivia
Eric and some random kid in their Polynesian Get up

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Shout Out...

I'd like to throw a shout out to one of my friends.  Kim, this post is for you.  She has a house full as well, and most weekends, you'll find her two boys at my house.  So yes, that makes them part mine.

Little Wyatt is one of her boys.  He's the sweetest little thing and I love that kid.  And the following is proof that he gets his sense of comedic timing from me:

Kim: Wyatt are you the angel of the family?

Wyatt: Mom you know I don't like to answer those questions.

Kim: Why?

Wyatt: Because if I say yes it might hurt my brother and Kenzie's feelings and if I say would be a lie.

This is funny because 1) It's sweet.  And 2) It's true.  


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Towels Part Deux

As many of you know, I have a thing with towels.  Some of you may remember the "great towel debate" of 2009 in which Bruce and I went back and forth via Facebook about him using my towel.  One of my greatest pet peeves is someone using my towel.  I think it's disgusting. 

BUT, I have no problem using my towel more than one time.  Some people may consider that disgusting.  I however comma feel that since I am emerging from the shower clean, I can use my towel twice maybe three times before I put it in the hamper.  I have instructed the boys to follow the grab a towel, use it, hang it on your hook, and use at least two times, if not three.  Then after said three days, place said towel in hamper.  Easy right?!

Well, last night, I have a certain 14 year old *cough cough Jeremy cough cough*, approach me and say:

Jeremy:  Mrs. Nina, may I get a new towel?  I've had this one for three weeks now.

Me:  WHAT?! 

Jeremy: I've been using this towel for three weeks.

Me:  WHY?!

Jeremy:  Because you said to use the same towel. 

Me:  Yeah, FOR THREE DAYS!  Not three weeks!

Jeremy:  Oh.

Me:  Jeremy, congratulations!  You have gotten the ridiculous question of the YEAR award. 

Bruce and I just looked at each other and laughed.  I couldn't believe it.  I think I now have to burn that towel.  It was standing on it's own.  I wanted to vomit.   *;aowrlnfcaercmaworxfjnrosif*  Sorry I DID have to vomit. 

Needless to say, we all got the towel lecture, once again.  I feel here lately that's all I do.  Lecture.  But that's another story all together.

Monday, November 12, 2012

I Like Pie!

Goofiness.  Serious Goofiness.

New Addition to the Family...

So Bruce came home with a new addition to our family.  Please allow me to introduce... Well, I don't know her name yet.  But it's a HER!  I'm so excited.  She's a little Min-Pin.  I told Bruce that if her and Poncho have puppies, we could call them PinChi's.  Wouldn't that be amazeballs!  OMG.

Anyways!  Names we have considered are... Rosita Chiquita Juanita (Rosie for short), Blossom (as in fart blossom because she freakin' reeks!) and Kaitlyn (after Kelley's daughter because she constantly wants attention).  We just kind of go back and forth with names right now.  Of course we would love input...

But Poncho... he's been a little, should we say, froggy since she showed up.  I'm sure I'll have a post about free puppies soon.

My Apologies...

Sh*t hath hit-ith the fan.  I apologize for not writing sooner.  We've just been busy as a one-legged man in an ass kicking contest.  But I have some good stories and pictures to add.  So stay tuned...