Thursday, October 24, 2013

Top Baby Items... The Real Story

When I was pregnant with the chick, I spent a lot of time researching baby items that I just HAD to have.  Since the last time I had a child was 10 years ago, I figured there were some new fancy fangled things that would make my life "easier".  Well, I came across a couple of blogs and websites that professed this and claimed that. However, they were all stupid.  So, I decided that I will keep it real for people.  Give you the no sh*t story on baby junk.  Because that's what it all ends up being.  Junk.  Here is what is NOT sitting in a corner collecting dust...

Honest Diapers
1.  Diapers.  I'm sure you're thinking, DUH! But I have to say this is a hard item to decide between.  One child did better with Huggies and the other boy did better with Pampers.  I'm finding out that my little Olive's tooshie is a little sensitive to both.  Breaks out pretty easily.  So, in my searches I found out about the Honest Company.  I know a lot of people already know about this company that Jessica Alba founded, but I had no idea it existed.  I'm so glad I found it!  Every month, they send me 250 diapers with the cutest patterns and four packs of wipes.  Each shipment is $79.  Now, some of you may say, "Nina, I can spend less at Sam's or Costco."  To you I say, True.  However, those diapers suck!  LOL.  No really they do.  Not only are the Honest Diapers better for the environment, they aren't as harsh on my babies behiney.  And their wipes are SO thick and durable.  I had had a problem with both Pampers and Huggies feeling like they were damp on the outside, I do not have that problem with these.  Also, I don't have to get out and get them.  They come straight to my door.  LOVE IT!  Here's a link that will tell you more about these amazing diapers. This company also has an awesome Healing Balm good for diaper rash.

2.  The Boppy.  I know, I know.  That's been around a while Nina.  Well, remember, I didn't have this cool crap when I had my boys.  Even if you don't breast feed, get this wonderful pillow.  It's great to prop the babies up and for tummy time as well.  I LOVE my boppy.  At the very least it will be a great head rest when you're sitting up at night.  (DON'T JUDGE ME!)  So put this on the top of your list folks!

3.  Moby.  I love this wonderful wrap.  I'm sure these things have been around for a while too.  And I know there's a tribe in Africa that's all, "MAN! Could have made a fortune like forever ago".  the concept of wearing babies is Centuries old, but for me it was a new thing.  I wish I knew about this with the boys.  I could have saved so much time.  I wrap little chick up in that thing and get a ton of stuff done around the house.  Unless you want to use the excuse, "I can't get anything done because I have to hold the baby all day" so you don't have to do anything, BUY THIS.  I was fortunate to have a great friend (Chelsea cough cough) to send me one.  You can even use this bitch to breast feed on the go.  I mean, this thing is a TIME. SAVER. 

4.  Swing.  OG isn't as big of a fan of her swing as I would like.  But that still doesn't mean that I didn't find the most UHMAYZING swing ever!  The Graco Glider Petite Swing (pictured) is awesome.  It has all these different settings, music (that I admit is kind of creepy sounding) and the best part... wait for it... it not only runs on batteries, but it has a PLUG!  I had one with Justin that I had to crank.  Yeah.  Annoying.  Then Eric's ran off of D batteries.  Expensive.  This damn swing has a plug.  I don't think I need to say anything else. 

5.  Baby Rocker.  I had one of these that my friend Nikki gave me when I had Justin.  That kid stayed in that chair all the time.  He loved it!  I loved it!  What's nifty about this chair is that it goes from infant to toddler.  So little people have a chair to sit and rock in.  When Eric was born, I took it, not thinking that Justin would miss it, and re-purposed it for Eric.  Justin gave me this... Whiskey-Tango-Foxtrot-That's-My-Chair-Beotch look.  He eventually got over it, but it went through both boys and lasted until Eric was four.  Then I passed it on to someone else and their little boy still uses it to this day.  Well, I here I am with one again.  And this chick loves that chair.  The one I have is the Infant-to-Toddler Turtle Rocker from Fisher-Price (pictured).  There are other brands, but I liked the look of this one best.  

Hours of Fun with Olivia
6.  Mustache Pacifier.  The only thing I have to say about this item is... Hours. Of. Endless. Fun.  Sometimes, you need some laughs.  Especially when you have a lot of crying going on in your life.  So get you one of these and draw some eyebrows on your baby and take some pictures.  You'll get a much needed laugh. Thank you Tonya for getting this for me.  Olivia, however, does not thank you.

7.  Enya.  Yes.  You read right.  You need Enya in your life.  When nothing works, and the little screams and screams.  I turn on Pandora and play that girl some Enya and she is calm, quite and ends up falling asleep.  I'm sure you're thinking... Yeah. Right.  Well, you can ask any of the people who have been around when this chick is losing control and I turn it on.  It's amazing.  And I remember working in a daycare in Fayetteville and playing Enya during nap time.  These babies just love her.  I wonder if Enya knows the effect she has on babies. She soothes the savage every time.  

I have a ton of friends having babies and I wanted to share my experience so far with them.  I really do feel these seven things made my life so much easier.  I'm sure I'll come up with some more life/time saving things as the OG progresses in growth.  But for now, this is my input. 

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