Monday, August 6, 2012

Cooking and Dinner Conversation...

Eric:  What's for dinner, Mom?
Me:  Food. (while dumping out egg noodles into a strainer)
Eric:  Well I see at least egg noodles.  What will our protein be?
Me:  Beef Stroganoff. 
**side note:  Why do I feel the need to make obscene hip gestures while saying stroganoff???**
Eric:  Is that some sort of Chicken?
Me:  No.  It's beef.
Eric: Alrighty.

And During Dinner...

Jeremy:  I never thought about making corn with beef stroganoff.  What's in the corn? 
Me: Butter and salt and pepper.
Jeremy: Hmmm... that's how I do it too.  It must be different salt that makes it taste different.
 ( Jeremy is quite the little chef himself.  I'm sure there will be many posts about me TRYING to relinquish control of my kitchen.  For those of you who know me, know this will be a battle)

The collective:  This dinner was pretty good!
Me:  Thank you.  I appreciate the complement.
Justin:  Well, I've had seconds.  So I'm going to go empty the tank and then proceed with thirds.
Me: *Thinking: I really wish he had wanted until he was AWAY from the table before he said that.*

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