Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Talking to Justin and Joey...

Me:  Hey guys, I'm going to put a roast in the crock pot for tomorrow since I'm going to dinner with Mrs. Kelley (see cast list).

Justin:  OOOOOO Yeah!

Joey:  You mean like pot roast?

Me:  Yes.  Just like pot roast. DO you like pot roast?

Joey:  Not really.

Justin:  Dude.  Don't worry, you'll like it.

Me:  You'll like it, OR STARVE!


  1. LMAO He, by the way, does like pot roast. He asked me to make one before we brought him there. Remind him of that. And, I love the "you'll like it or starve" WINNING!!!

  2. Thank you, I so needed that laugh.
