Friday, August 24, 2012


Yes.  I'm about to blog about towels.  Mother *editing* towels.  I have about 15 towels in my spare/kids bathroom.  And all of them are GONE.  They just disa-*editing*-peared.  I have no idea where these towels are, but I'm about to ago ape sh*t if they aren't found.

Bee Tee Dubs... I know where they are, but why I was all of them on Monday, and they're all gone by Friday is beyond me.  SO, guess what the boys are doing RIGHT NOW as I type this?  Hunting and gathering towels.  Then they are placing them in the washing machine.

Bruce:  Well, what do we do about swim towels now?

Me:  They can air dry.

I'm Done.

1 comment:

  1. Pro tip: throw beach towels directly in the (hopefully empty) dryer upon entering the house; do not pass go, etc. Will spare you from the mildew-y "air-dried-over-the-shower-rod" smell.
